Bayt'al Malaika

Need For More Welfare Programs For Poor Children

orphan care program

Welfare programs like the orphan care program have been improving the lives of many children. Until long ago, most people were poor. But as they acquired skills, they became able to support themselves. With the advancements in technology, many people have created opportunities for themselves to grow and have a better lifestyle. However, the story has not changed for some of the most deprived people in society.

Many poor people struggle to even fulfill their basic necessities like food, water, education, and clothing support. Poverty means children are less likely to get an education. A poor child is less likely to live in a good neighborhood than one in a rich neighborhood, and less likely to live in a house with a yard than one without. Poor children are also more likely to live in overcrowded conditions, and less likely to have toys or books.

1. Orphan care foundation

Fortunately, people who are blessed with an excess of money continue to help their fellow brothers and sisters. The emergence of Baytalmalaika is one such example. From orphan care to clothing support for the poor, the organization has rendered great services in the field of welfare.

1.1. Orphan care program in Pakistan

The Orphan Support Program is a practical demonstration of our belief in the importance of family. It is our vision that every child should have a fair chance to grow up to be a responsible adult. The Orphan Support Program, being practical implementation, is giving us the opportunity to change the life of orphans so that they can live respectable and dignified life.

1.2. Changing lives through orphan support initiative

Taking care of orphans has been our priority and we have been nurturing these little angels in different ways. Most of our children go to school and are learning with the hope of a better future.

  • Each child is provided with clothes, books, shelter, and food.
  • Every orphan is provided with child protection rights.
  • Every child is involved in productive extra-curricular activities for physical and mental well-being.

2. Educate a child

A central problem in poor countries is a lack of basic literacy. But literacy is only the first step. Education is a process and, like any process, it takes time to do it well. The chance that an educated child will escape poverty depends on the quality of the education, and the quality of education is not easily controlled. But the poor country has nothing to lose by giving its children a chance.

Through our efforts for child development and education,Baytalmalaika is ensuring that every child gets an equal opportunity to educate themselves and live a different life.

3.  Clothing Support

The need for clothing is greater than ever before. The cost of living is growing faster than the national income, and many families are struggling to make ends meet. Clothing is something people generally need. The clothing bank associated with our welfare organization provides clothes to the poor and needy families especially those who cannot afford to buy new clothes.

An orphan is a child who has lost one or both of his parents. Orphans are vulnerable and face many hardships. They may be abandoned or orphaned by their parents, or they may be orphaned by natural or man-made disasters. Orphans have special needs: they need clothing, shelter, food, education, medical care, psychological support, and opportunities to develop socially. Through our orphan care program, we ensure that these abandoned children are properly nurtured to become useful citizens of society.